Fan Cheng The former Google robot director developed an autonomous mobile flexible telescopic au
Published on:2020-07-16
According to foreign media reports, Dr. Aaron edsinger, a former robot director of Google, led a team to secretly develop a robot. In the past three years, they have developed the auxiliary robot Hello robot. Now, the robot has changed from a relatively low-key stealth state to showing its first achievement - stretch research edition.

Stretchs base looks like an AGV car, which is equipped with a more than one meter rod and a retractable arm in the middle. This arm can move up and down the pole. "From the height just above the floor to the height far above the table top", it can be extended from the edge of the base

Because the robot is equipped with two wheel electric drive system and all wheel casters, it can move forward at a speed of 0.6 meters per second. When moving, the gripper at the end of the arm can be kept flush with the base, and the task can be performed by rotation when necessary. According to Hello robot, stretch is the first mobile manipulator that can be easily operated at home or in the workplace, and can also be transported between project sites on the back of cars.

The 141 cm tall and 23 kg auxiliary robot is also equipped with a 3D camera, a laser rangefinder and a computer equipped with Intel Core i5 processing, 16GB ram and 500GB SSD. The head is equipped with a four channel microphone array and an 8-watt stereo speaker, and supports volume adjustment. In addition, it has USB, HDMI and Ethernet ports.

The software running the robot is open source software, equipped with a robot operating system interface and a low-level Python hardware interface, and is also set to start automatically. The robot has a large number of installation points and expansion ports for customization and modification. At the same time, it also comes with an open source library to support 3D printing accessories. It is reported that the current price of the extended research version is $17950.

Stretchs base looks like an AGV car, which is equipped with a more than one meter rod and a retractable arm in the middle. This arm can move up and down the pole. "From the height just above the floor to the height far above the table top", it can be extended from the edge of the base

Because the robot is equipped with two wheel electric drive system and all wheel casters, it can move forward at a speed of 0.6 meters per second. When moving, the gripper at the end of the arm can be kept flush with the base, and the task can be performed by rotation when necessary. According to Hello robot, stretch is the first mobile manipulator that can be easily operated at home or in the workplace, and can also be transported between project sites on the back of cars.

The 141 cm tall and 23 kg auxiliary robot is also equipped with a 3D camera, a laser rangefinder and a computer equipped with Intel Core i5 processing, 16GB ram and 500GB SSD. The head is equipped with a four channel microphone array and an 8-watt stereo speaker, and supports volume adjustment. In addition, it has USB, HDMI and Ethernet ports.

The software running the robot is open source software, equipped with a robot operating system interface and a low-level Python hardware interface, and is also set to start automatically. The robot has a large number of installation points and expansion ports for customization and modification. At the same time, it also comes with an open source library to support 3D printing accessories. It is reported that the current price of the extended research version is $17950.